Fast Company Innovation by Design Awards recognises AKQA’s pioneering excellence

Across the AKQA family, five projects have been recognised by Fast Company, inspiring the future to lead with purpose and embrace change. The Smart Aid Kit, conceptualised by Map Project Office and Modem Works, is named Winner for Experimental. Feeld’s digital transformation, in partnership with Made Thought, is honoured Winner for Graphic Design and Finalist in Branding.
For 13 years, Fast Company’s Innovation by Design Awards have honoured designers and businesses who are solving crucial problems of today and anticipating the pressing issues of tomorrow. From up-and-coming designers to household names, the ingenuity behind the emerging creativity have resulted in unparalleled problem-solving skills across a vast array of projects, products, services and ideas to shape the world we live in for the better.
Winner, Experimental
The Smart Aid Kit, Map Project Office and Modem Works
According to the World Health Organisation, over 4.5 billion people lack access to essential health services. The Smart Aid Kit is a conceptual AI-powered equipment to conduct basic triage without barriers. The state-of-the-art model features its own mini-solar panels and four essential medical devices powered by the sophisticated medical Large Language Models (LLMs). Within the instrument, hand-held sensor devices scan and evaluate various health conditions. This data is transmitted back to the core unit housing the advance LLM, which can then diagnose conditions and offers immediate help and guidance.

Winner, Graphic Design
Finalist, Branding
Feeld and Made Thought
In an era where dating apps are now synonymous with how we connect, they often lag behind evolving cultural scripts around gender, sexuality and relationships. Feeld aims to inspire members to revel in the discovery of inner worlds, embrace joie de vivre and lead their lives with curiosity. Feeld focuses on personal growth, fluidity and discovery. Every facet of the visual identity exudes a tactile and sensory richness. A warm and vivid colour palette, coupled with intimate art direction, transports audiences into deeply relatable scenes that capture the vibrancy of the Feeld community.

Honourable Mention, Social Justice, Data Design
Congresso em Foco, Transparency Card and AKQA
Brazil experiences an annual loss of $40 billion due to corrupt political expenditures that is difficult to monitor and generates opportunities for corruption. Transparency Card democratises access to complex government databases, encouraging the public to stay informed of politicians misusing public funds through real-time information delivered through a simple push notification.
Honourable Mention, Advertising
Volvo Cars, A not-so-big, big deal and AKQA
The EX30 leverages big power into a small and mighty world through a whimsical film featuring a mini, regular and giant Jim Rowan – Volvo Cars’ own CEO – as he unboxes the car for the first time. The playful shifts in scale and perspective throughout the movie highlights how the smallest SUV can pack a powerful punch on safety, sustainability and design.
Finalist, Interior Design
Honourable Mention, Experience Design
IBM, T.J. Watson Research Centre and Universal Design Studio and Map Project Office
IBM’s premier Think Lab is located in the global headquarters of IBM Research, The T.J. Watson Research Centre in New York. The exclusive space showcases many notable breakthroughs in quantum computing, artificial intelligence and semiconductors, including the IBM Quantum System Two and experimental Artificial Intelligence Unit by Universal Design Studio and Map Project Office. The facility, designed by Eero Saarinen and completed in 1961, is the largest industrial research organisation in the world and home to over 1,500 scientists, engineers and designers inventing what’s next in computing.