bp leads Bowen Cragg’s Global Index of Online Excellence

Receiving the highest score ever achieved, Bowen Craggs has recognised bp as the leading company for online effectiveness through serving many audiences.
Digital channels have accelerated during this era; it has changed the way organisations speak to the outside world. Recognising the shift, bp is responding by breaking down conventional barriers. Scores have improved from what were already record breaking scores in 2019 to 2020, going up by five points to reach 224 out of a possible 280. bp has “raised the bar for best practice during the pandemic” by continuing to communicate internally and externally details of how they will transition through the changes.
“bp continued to tweak, polish and improve its corporate digital presence, which managed to navigate a number of big changes in 2020 – a new CEO; a new strategy focused on renewables; and the pandemic hitting oil demand and threatening jobs. The company’s digital channels did an excellent job of communicating the big picture, including the planned transition to alternative forms of energy, while paying close attention to stakeholders’ needs.”
The Bowen Craggs Global Index of Online Excellence is not just one measurement but a consolidation of eight that assess different aspects of an online estate.