Inspiring the workplace through storytelling

With the rise of innovative technologies and mobile working, the modern workplace is rapidly losing its charm and the sense of a team driven by being together has eroded.
With an ever-increasing threat to a loss of company culture, we as organisations must be accountable for bringing employees together to foster a physical sense of belonging and purpose through storytelling.
Company culture is created by the people you employ, an inspiring office environment and work filled with meaning and purpose. You cannot create culture. However, you can nurture it, direct it and give it some love. Every great story should be authentic, allow your audience to interact and also provide a response. Your company story must be as clear to a new employee as it is to an employee who has been with the company for years. It must allow them to be part of it and it should make them feel an emotion.
Ultimately, to successfully implement storytelling in your business to spark creativity, you must be clear on what you, as a company, value and what your values are. Provide complete clarity on how employees can have a long and successful career with you. AKQA’s three metrics to encourage a happy working culture are as relatable and easily understood as the work they help to inspire: the creation of genre-redefining work that makes a cultural impact; encouraging positive feedback from audiences and clients; contributing to the career development of our colleagues. Ultimately, through frequent recognition, shared experiences, encouraging passions, and surprise and delight, you will be sure to encourage a positive and creative working environment.
Sam Kelly, Managing Director, featured on, March 2017. Read more about storytelling here.