A dystopian story of a nation divided by a wall.

Contemporary movements in Brazil advocate for independence for certain states and regions.
Separatist movements have existed in Brazil for years. These groups have a controversial perspective, viewing the South and Southeast as economic engines, while the North and Northeast are perceived as regions reliant on social welfare. Some influential politicians have also shared this opinion during public declarations.

A short fiction film exploring the potential consequences of a nation ideologically divided.
2Brasis presents a dystopian future where a wall divides the country into North and South by a presidential decree, triggering a series of economic, social, and climatic conflicts. The decision shakes Brazil’s foundations, culminating in a rebellion. In this context, the Unified Brazil Revolutionary Group emerges to fight for the country’s reunification.

2Brasis is the first fictional work from AKQA. It was produced in collaboration with Pródigo Filmes and the SOMA+ programme. The movie is set for a global movie festival run, which begun with its premiere at the Miami Brazilian Film Festival.

The gateway to the future.
2Brasis is also the final project from the 2023 SOMA+ cohort. SOMA+ is an initiative of AKQA’s impact pillar, an educational platform focused on expanding professional knowledge and promoting the inclusion of Black, Indigenous and marginalised individuals in the creative market.

The film’s premise draws upon the lived experiences and diverse perspectives of the students, representing different regions of Brazil. During the entire process, from research and creative development to production, these young talents contributed their skills to bring to life the first work of its kind from AKQA.
The announcement was featured on AdWeek and had its world premiere at the Inffinito Brazilian Film Festival in Miami. 2Brasis continues to compete in other film festivals around the world.