The Snow Fox
A story that comes to life by voice.

With games, videos and gadgets demanding screen time, the art of the children’s book has been lost in the mobile era, impacting the learning and enjoyment of reading.
There has therefore never been a more important time to reimagine how we capture the attention of young minds.

The Snow Fox is a personalised children’s story that comes to life by voice.
As each word is spoken, the illustrations magically animate on the page, giving parent and child a reading experience that’s both inspirational and educational.
The experience also creates a unique video memento, overlaying the child’s voice with the animations in the story — the ultimate gift to share with loved ones both near and far.

Featured as one of Apple’s “New Apps We Love,” The Snow Fox puts the magic back into reading for young minds the world over, reimagining the children’s book for the digital era.
Through the use of voice gesture —a mobile first— The Snow Fox gives more incentives to learn, transforming how we teach our children to read.