Amazon Prime Video
Butcher Shop
Serving up knuckle sandwiches.

Picture a universe where superheroes mask corporate corruption.
Subverting its genre, comic-based series The Boys takes us there. The darkly comic, gory story follows an underground gang on a mission to spare society from a gifted few who’ve lost the moral edge. As these foul-mouthed vigilantes come to Prime Video in our world, it’s time to make a visit to theirs.

Billy Butcher’s dystopia comes to life in the beating cultural heart of Los Angeles, with an immersive theatrical and culinary spectacle amidst the city’s sizzling Fairfax district.
A real-life Butcher Shop carves its name and ethos from the show’s profane protagonist, exhilarating guests with Hollywood-level interactive action, while famed LA chef Ludo Lefebvre serves gourmet meat sandwiches, with a twist. Patrons might just grab a glimpse into The Boys’ backroom hideout for secret screenings, while coded references and hidden messages permeate throughout, hooking all of us deeper into the Butcher’s dysfunctional dimension.

The Boys’ signature brazen atmosphere and brash tone materialise, stunning comic fans, food fans and future series fans alike.
Across two days of service, the Butchers served up shady sandwiches with a side of theatrics to content-hungry fans in LA, while Twitch live-streams the action to satiate further spectators worldwide.