Climate Council
Encouraging respect for the conservation of the natural world.

As the independent and authoritative climate change organisation, crowdfunded by the Australian public, the Climate Council is constantly ranked as the number one trusted voice in discussions often clouded by noise and misinformation.
By distilling high-level science into a conversational platform, people can for the first time access and understand the latest facts instantly, driving environmental conservation education and action.

Climate Council chatbot helps people go beyond the headlines and deeper into the causes of climate change.
Drawing on comprehensive research from the Climate Council, the chatbot uses data from a wide range of climate-related topics - extreme weather, heatwaves and bushfires, renewable energy and storage technology solutions - to answer user questions and encourage them to act on lowering harmful emissions.

The chatbot has been praised by both users and global media as a new channel for engaging audiences with the extensive content produced by the Climate Council.
By enabling a much broader audience to access clear and accurate facts instantly, the chatbot demonstrates the opportunities emerging technology offers to overcome business challenges.