Bring the Bar to You
A fresh twist on the craft cocktail experience.

The perfect cocktail isn’t always in arm’s reach.
From attempting to mix cocktails at home to waiting in long lines at the bar, there are a number of obstacles to enjoying a quality cocktail.
Enter Cutwater, a bar-quality cocktail that comes in a can.
Elevating everyday occasions into bar experiences.
Artisanally crafted cocktails aren’t just for chic lounges or local bars. With one satisfying crack of a Cutwater, people can open the bar anywhere.
This luxury vibrantly comes to life through two films that show different protagonists struggling to find or create bar-quality cocktails. From an at-home mixology failure, an aprés ski with terrible homemade cocktails: each occasion is salvaged when Cutwater enters the scene. As the can is cracked open, the space is transformed with stylised bar decor, complete with a fully-stocked Cutwater bar.

Now, bar-quality cocktails are always within arm’s reach.
By opening the bar in unexpected ways, Cutwater shows how real cocktails can be enjoyed whenever, wherever.
The films aired across the US on streaming services, increasing awareness and positioning Cutwater as the leader of the ready-to-drink category.
Just days after launch, the films surpassed campaign performance benchmarks, attracted millions of media impressions and compelled a majority of viewers to watch the films from start to finish.
This is just the start of Cutwater’s larger goal to turn the bar into a more accessible but still high-quality experience by bringing it to even more unpredictable places.