De Beers Forevermark
The First Ripple
Forevermark Avaanti™ starts a wave.

Even the world’s biggest changes start small.
Progress often feels like it’s achieved by the trailblazers alone, but all women have the power to effect change. No matter how big or small, one step has the power to pave the way for others. This is the ripple effect.
In their latest jewellery collection, De Beers Forevermark wanted to create a ripple, from product concept to launch experience, to redefine retail.

Embodying the First Ripple.
Forevermark Avaanti™ is inspired by the impact just one small act can ignite. De Beers Forevermark and AKQA collaborated to craft each step of the creative journey from product design, naming and the rigorous testing process that followed. Taking its name from the Italian word avanti, which means forward, this sparked a momentum that carried onwards and into the launch.

Launched on International Women’s Day, awareness was harnessed through traditional TVC, social style guides, cinemagraphs, ASMR films, an AR filter, plus a virtual store. Forevermark’s online presence was redefined to delight an immersed audience, ready to shop and unleash their own ripple on the world.

The Wave.
To fully embody the spirit of Forevermark Avaanti™, some of the brightest female creative talents were invited to join as the collection was brought to life. This in turn helped to amplify their voices within the industry, creating ripples of their own.
De Beers Forevermark recorded strong performing social content: a higher engagement rate of 1.1x against all other campaigns across Instagram and 1.2x against Facebook.

All women should be celebrated and feel inspired to embrace their inner strength, that’s what Forevermark Avaanti™ is about. The project is a reminder that women should never underestimate their power to create an impact.