Elle Decor
Elle Decor at Work
A digital dreamscape.

An enchanting new world is blossoming around us.
Technology is driving a momentous paradigm shift, unlocking new connections, and unprecedented possibilities. Time and space are in flux, swept up in a whirlwind of digital opportunity. Our workplaces are lagging behind, and it’s time for them to catch up.

Elle Decor envisions a workplace where physical boundaries are forgotten, and people are free to create and connect in perfect harmony with nature.
Unveiled at Milan Design Week, Elle Decor at Work welcomes visitors to an office fit for the future. They witness their own digital reflections in The Gate: a projection of pixelated particles, free to roam and combine with others. Entering the Virtual Room, they experience a VR meeting space, for anyone anywhere. The Hub is fuelled by collective creative energy, here visitors’ movement powers the digital devices they use.

A vision of an office that works.
More than eighty thousand people immerse themselves in Elle Decor’s new workspace at Milan Design Week. Over three thousand attend a press preview and opening party, with the innovative concept sparking conversation online at #elledecoratwork.